I am frequently asked where I raced. That is probably the number one question from the casual Animal Jim fan and layman. I usually answer, “Do you know the country western song, (I’ve been everywhere man?)” Most claim they do. Then I respond with, “That is where I raced”. “Everywhere; Including Puerto Rico and Canada. I also had offers to match race in Australia and Aruba. But had conflicting contracted race dates in USA.”
The number two question asked of me is what organization I ran and liked the most.” There were many” I answer. That answer is very complex. I will try to break it down to types. National Assoc. of Motor Sports, NHRA, AHRA, IHRA, PRO, ADRA. Then we had racing circuits. Mid America Pro Stock, UDRA, USSC. Then there were Fun Ford and Ford Extravaganza bookings, Pop Rod, Don Garlits PRO EVENTS, and many other feature events and many match race bookings. Plus all booked dates I mentioned included static displays at various times. Especially for match and drag racing exhibition events.
Then I am asked my favorite track of all. I answer, “As a Sportsman in my early years Oswego, IL., and Later as a touring professional Englishtown NJ. Sadly both tracks are gone. Oswego just kind of dissolved. Englishtown fell victim to Industrial Sprawl. Plus Englishtown track owners tired of all the hassles with neighbors and got an offer they could not refuse. Last I knew it is a giant used car lot now.
Industrial and Urban sprawl have closed many race tracks. Especially in the last decade. The giant ware houses see all that space and the invasion begins. I do not want to get started on that. See the book called Lost Drag Strips and Ghosts of the Quarter mile by Tommy Byrd. Also available is an updated version Lost Drag Strips 2 by Scotty Gosson. The forward in Volume 1 is by Don Garlits. Volume 2 forward is by Tommy Ivo.
Yours truly is pictured in the Tommy Byrd version with Frank Marshall. Both of us with wheels up leaving the line. It is 1975 at Oswego, Il Dragway.
October of 79 Oswego closed up forever. I was racing national touring Pro Stock by then with my Pinto. The track manager Bub Thurlby called me and asked if I could come to Oswego the last day with my Big Animal 57 Merc I raced there in my earlier days to make a tribute good bye run. I did so pro bono. With tears in my eyes. My Big Animal 57 Merc I were the last down that track during a scheduled event.
It is sad all the tracks that fall to urban and industrial sprawl. Some close do to constant problems with neighbors. Kansas City and Oswego are prime examples of neighbor problems and even the sale of English Town was enhanced by neighbor problems.
The most recent buy out is Houston. It is already tore up. Another great track gone. Many good memories there.
Close to home in recent years Rt. 66 Raceway in Joliet folded due to Pandemic at end of 2019 season. I had worked at 66 as tech official for 15 years and occasionally match raced there. In fact my last good match race was at RT. 66. That is when I was featured as a Legend at RT. 66 annual Raceway Classic event.
RT. 66 operated as normal through the normal season in 2019. Then the BS pandemic panic hit and 66 along with a few other tracks and many events that created any type of close encounters with our fellow humans on this earth took hold. Even churches and schools shutdown and went virtual. The NFL had games without fans present. Many businesses went bust over the panic of 2019 to 2022. Face masks and 6 feet away from other humans were mandatory. We even got lessons how to wash our hands. LOL!
I for one do not believe staying normal would have made much difference in results .The outcome would have been about the same. I am sure there was a nasty flu, but those nut cases in charge of things were way off the real threat.
Those in charge! Many did and still are benefiting from the scare. Look at all the new products and services. But that is just this old drag racers opinion. LOL! Not to mention lessons how to keep hands washed. Enough said.
Rt. 66 Raceway did host a NHRA division event in 2022. And the weekend of May 18-20, 2023 a NHRA national event will take place at Rt. 66 Raceway.
If those in charge of that splendid faculty will open that fabulous drag strip for any other dates, I do not know at this time. Info seems to be mysterious.
Another amazing NASCAR decision and idea. NASCAR has scheduled a Stock Car road race in downtown Chicago. While a great 1.5 facility Rt. oval sits in Joliet across from the drag strip.
Imagine NASCAR Cup cars on Michigan Ave and Lake Shore drive! That event should be very interesting.
I have been everywhere. Animal Jim Feurer.